Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Fiddler's Three

The planning and building of this structure took almost five years. All beams are authentic and all fancy woodwork, display cases and cabinets were manufactured on the premisies by the proprietor William Dugan and his able assistant, Steve Lower. The beautiful leaded glass windows and doors, consisting of over 1700 pieces of glass, were also constructed hereb by these same two craftsmen.
The large chimney in the main dining room starts six feet below floor level and extends forty feetinto the air. It weighs nearly one hundred tons and has fireplaces both upstairs and down. The fireplaces were built by Harley Q. Brown, Master Mason of Shelbyville, Indiana. Bricks used in the lower fireplace are over one hundred years old and were taken from the Odd fellows Hall in St. Paul, Indiana. The mantel is a one hundred forty eight year old hewn beam from Shelby County. We extend to you the most gracious welcome to come dine with us. You can be assured you will be served amicably and attentively. We promise we will strive to bring you the finest food, beverages and dining make The Fiddlers Three one of the most unique places to dine in Indiana.